Start networking before you need it so you avoid getting in a desperate situation. Have a solid plan and be clear on what value you can provide to others. Forget your personal agenda and focus on building the right relationships. Never dismiss anyone as unimportant. Connect people who can help each other.
Justin Worsham – Von Keith Properties: I am all about service. I want to make sure you are informed, and taken care of for all of your real estate needs. My focus is to make buying or selling your home as stress free a process as possible. In addition to helping you with the transaction
TEAM Referral Network has been a huge partner to Rescue Mission Alliance San Fernando Valley. Victor Martinez has been the driving force as the director of four chapters. He, along with all the members of TEAMomentum, has contributed tremendously to the mission in the following ways: Meal Hosting, Advocacy, Financial Monthly Contributions & Micro Event Hosting. It has been a valuable partnership, and we are just getting started.
Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States