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866.311.TEAM (8326)
Jillian Palmiotto
Business Name:
Together We Care
Business Description:
Together We Care is a nonprofit organization that supports families impacted by special needs and disabilities. We create and prioritize life plans for individuals with disabilities and for parents with special needs children. We also offer direct services to adults with disabilities, including financial literacy classes, day group activities for adults with disabilities, and supported employment. We also offer support for families with children through school advocacy, caregiver recruitment, and obtaining needed funding to help pay for support. Additionally, we offer consulting services to businesses and organizations that are looking to diversify their staff and customer base by including the disability community.
How Business Creates Value:
Our business adds value to the Team Network by offering education and support for including people with disabilities. We also offer opportunities to our referral partners by helping them tap into a market that they may not yet be reaching. The disability community makes up 20% of the US population and is often left out of the marketing pool when services and products are being sold by a business. We help our referral partners learn how to reach this untapped market.
How Member Creates Value:
I bring value to the team by providing leadership qualities and motivation. I also bring referrals and share my expertise in the special needs and disability field. Our organization provides solutions to life problems, so problem-solving is a gift of mine. I also enjoy getting to know new people and finding ways to help them grow their network.

Transforming lives one family at a time

Together We Care is changing the landscape of disability inclusion. We seek to make our world one where everyone is given equal access to education, faith communities, mental health resources, financial opportunities, equal employment, and stable housing. Check out the Impact Report on our website to see how we are changing lives and how you can partner with us in our endeavors.

Together Conference

If you are interested in knowing more about how you can increase diversity in your business or your life, join us at the annual Together Conference. We offer dynamic speakers from all over the US and disability-related vendors. Our content offers strategies for helping organizations learn how to better serve and include the disability community.


  • Speaker
  • Teacher
  • Program Developer
  • Coach


  • TEAM Member since 2022
  • BS Early Childhood Education
  • MA Inclusive Education, K-12
  • Licensed Minister
  • Founder of Together We Care
  • Founder of Together Conference - togetherconference.net


  • Outdoors
  • Swimming
  • Singing
  • Writing
  • Playing with my two dogs Noelle and Beau


  • 2002 - 2008 - General Education Teacher
  • 2008 - 2013 - Special Education Teacher
  • 2013 - 2020 - Director and Minister of the Unlimited Ministry at Mount Paran Church, Atlanta, GA
  • 2020 - present - Founder and Executive Director of Together We Care and the Together Conference