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Why Referrals Are So Valuable

Here are three reasons why referrals are so valuable: Customers who refer are more likely to stay with you and as a result, spend more, adding to their lifetime value Referrals are more likely to become customers. Why? Because they have been recommended to you by someone they trust and who in turn, trusts you. […]

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How To Ask For A Referral Without Wasting Someone’s Time

Referral introductions are at the core of building relationships. But there’s a few major problems with asking for such an introduction – Many people feel like they’ve been put in an awkward position. Most people don’t want to allocate their already precious time on writing an introduction email. Some people don’t want to risk the value of their relationship […]

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Out of sight is out of mind

I REALLY want to share this message with you. I have been working in the “Referral Group/Networking Group” industry for over 25 years. I have been a member of a referral organization, spent 10 years as an executive with another large referral organization, and have had my company TEAM Referral Network, for 11 years. I […]

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Success Does Not Create Happiness

“Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.” – Doris Mortman   In a world that often equates success with happiness, true fulfillment doesn’t solely depend on external achievements.   I’m not saying that creating success and having things, traveling, calling your own shots is bad. The […]

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