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Why Referrals Are So Valuable

Here are three reasons why referrals are so valuable: Customers who refer are more likely to stay with you and as a result, spend more, adding to their lifetime value Referrals are more likely to become customers. Why? Because they have been recommended to you by someone they trust and who in turn, trusts you. […]

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How To Ask For A Referral Without Wasting Someone’s Time

Referral introductions are at the core of building relationships. But there’s a few major problems with asking for such an introduction – Many people feel like they’ve been put in an awkward position. Most people don’t want to allocate their already precious time on writing an introduction email. Some people don’t want to risk the value of their relationship […]

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6 Common Traps to Avoid at Networking Events

by Ginny Hogan Networking events are the watering holes of the professional world.  They’re where connections are made, opportunities are discovered, careers are shaped, and free snacks are had.  However, just like any social gathering, there are unspoken rules-faux pas that can turn a potential career elevator into a free-fall.  To avoid stepping on it, […]

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Learn to Love Networking

by Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki, and Tiziana Casciaro “I hate networking.” We hear this all the time from executives, other professionals, and MBA students. They tell us that networking makes them feel uncomfortable and phony—even dirty. Although some people have a natural passion for it—namely, the extroverts who love and thrive on social interaction—many understandably […]

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