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Out of sight is out of mind

I REALLY want to share this message with you. I have been working in the “Referral Group/Networking Group” industry for over 25 years. I have been a member of a referral organization, spent 10 years as an executive with another large referral organization, and have had my company TEAM Referral Network, for 11 years. I […]

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Networking as a Way to Build Your Business

Start paying attention to the way you develop the network of people that you’re working with. It isn’t so much the number of people you come into contact with, although that is important, but what’s really, truly “Relationship Marketing’ or networking that will GET referrals for your business really is about making a connection to […]

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How to Sell Honestly

Passion + Vision Why are you here? People don’t want to buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it. Share your passion and your vision. Storytelling Storytelling is in our blood!  Share stories that win hearts, created connections, and inspire action. Service + Value Deliver massive FREE VALUE to build trust with your […]

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5 Steps to Delegate Effectively

SHIFT FROM DOING TO LEADING Effective delegation requires letting go of control and it starts with a big mindset shift.  Don’t stretch your own limits, stretch the limits of your team.  Shift your mindset from doing to leading others.  From generating an outcome yourself to helping others achieve the same outcome.  From practicing the skills […]

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To Do List Mistakes and How to Fix Them

NOT WRITTEN DOWN: Capture all your tasks and open loops by writing everything down. Don’t worry about organization or prioritization first – your mind is for thinking, not remembering. NO FOCUS: Prioritize and stick to three main tasks each day.  Do them in order of important and urgency. TOO GENERAL: Make sure each task is […]

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How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

by Brandon Specktor Aping the popularity of TV’s zombie drama The Walking Dead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an educational comic book about zombie preparedness.  Doubling as a legitimate guide to surviving a pandemic, the comic offers these to-die-for tips: Hunker down. Seriously, lock your doors and stay home unless absolutely necessary […]

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