65% of a company's new business comes from referrals
98% of businesses rely on referrals to grow
Only 3% of businesses strategically pursue referrals
Meetings Near You
Tuesdays at 9:00am
Thursdays at 1:30pm
Thursdays at 11:30am
Thursdays at 11:30am
Rancho Bernardo Connections Chapter
Fridays at 9:00am
Thursday at 9:00am
Tuesdays at 1:00pm
Thursdays at 11:30am
Currently Building
4S Ranch Collaborative Connections
Contact Laura Bashore at LauraB@teamreferralnetwork.com
Interested in opening a Chapter?
Each week every member has an opportunity to give a one-minute commercial about their business. This includes:
♦ Who you are ♦ Best type of referral
♦ What you do ♦ Call to action
Each member has several opportunities throughout the year to give a presentation about their business. This is your chance to TEACH the other members what you do and how to best refer business to you.
Each member has a one-on-one session to get to know each other on a professional and personal level. They work together to find mutual was to refer business to each other.
Learning how to plan out your networking time eliminates spending time at an event and walking away from it feeling like it was a waste of time. We teach you how to use your time and invest it in worthwhile activities that get you a return on your investment.