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More Tips on How to Do Business Networking Right

1. Ask follow-up questions. Want to win someone over? Ask them follow-up questions, which differ from other questions in that they request that the person elaborate on something they just mentioned. A 2017 Harvard University study found that people who ask follow-up questions are seen as more likable by their conversation partner, both in-person and online. 2. […]

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Why Referrals Are So Valuable

Here are three reasons why referrals are so valuable: Customers who refer are more likely to stay with you and as a result, spend more, adding to their lifetime value Referrals are more likely to become customers. Why? Because they have been recommended to you by someone they trust and who in turn, trusts you. […]

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How To Ask For A Referral Without Wasting Someone’s Time

Referral introductions are at the core of building relationships. But there’s a few major problems with asking for such an introduction – Many people feel like they’ve been put in an awkward position. Most people don’t want to allocate their already precious time on writing an introduction email. Some people don’t want to risk the value of their relationship […]

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