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Overcoming Obstacles And Showing Courage When Growing A Business

Overcoming Obstacles And Showing Courage When Growing A Business

The path of entrepreneurship is often romanticized, filled with tales of innovation, success and triumph over adversity.

While these stories are inspiring, I’ve found they only scratch the surface of the challenges and obstacles that entrepreneurs face. In my journey of building a software solution for parking applications, I encountered moments when I questioned myself, faced financial crises and made tough decisions.

In the United States, hundreds of thousands of new businesses are created each month—in 2023, 5.5 million new business applications were filed. For many of these entrepreneurs, the allure comes from being their own boss or following their passion.

There is a lot for new entrepreneurs to juggle—competing for labor, understanding government regulations and taxes, finding funding and more. The journey is rarely without any significant bumps in the road.

Facing Moments Of Doubt And Financial Turbulence

There were multiple moments when I found myself questioning the very essence of my entrepreneurial journey. I wondered if the challenges were insurmountable, if the setbacks were fatal and if the road ahead was final. One such moment stands out vividly.

I had around 20 employees and a mere $130 in the bank. This dire situation was the result of a high burn rate and difficulties in collecting payments from clients. The accounts payable were piling up, and it felt like an overwhelming financial storm. It’s crucial to understand that these moments of uncertainty are not uncommon in the entrepreneurial world.

Clients weren’t paying their invoices promptly, creating cash flow issues and adding to the financial strain. Many business owners can relate to the frustration of providing a service or product and then struggling to collect what’s rightfully owed.

Overcoming this challenge required a combination of assertiveness, communication and effective financial management. I learned to proactively engage with clients, set clear payment terms and implement robust collection processes to ensure a healthier cash flow. I recommend other entrepreneurs focus on developing these skills and processes as well. These experiences taught me the importance of financial resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Dealing With Internal Struggles

Obstacles aren’t always external. Sometimes, the most challenging battles are fought within your own organization. You may face situations where employees, directors or advisors engage in activities that go against the principles and values you hold dear. These may be individuals you trust and rely on.

Firing a director or an executive team member is never easy. It’s a decision that weighs heavily on your shoulders. However, it sometimes becomes necessary for the health and integrity of the organization. To put it kindly, it’s essential to recognize that in the course of business, not everyone will be aligned with your vision and values.

One dilemma I encountered involved individuals within the organization who—despite causing issues and not aligning with our values—were top producers. These individuals could deliver results but were also disruptive and potentially infectious to the organization’s culture.

It’s a situation many leaders face—whether they should tolerate disruptive behavior for the sake of short-term results. However, I made a clear decision: I wouldn’t tolerate it. Upholding our core values and maintaining a positive, collaborative culture was paramount to me. It was a stance that required courage and a long-term perspective, but I firmly believe it was the right one.

Staying True To Core Values

In times of internal strife, I suggest entrepreneurs look for solace in your core values and business operating system. Let these values serve as a compass, guiding your decision-making process even in the face of adversity. Whether you are dealing with a challenging personnel decision or a complex business dilemma, run it through the filter of your core values.

On a personal level, my faith played a significant role in dealing with these challenges. Meditation and seeking clarity in decision-making helped me navigate through tough times. It allowed me to cleanse my thoughts and approach each situation with a clear mind and a sense of purpose.

In the world of entrepreneurship, courage is not just about taking risks but also about facing challenges head-on. It’s about overcoming moments of doubt, financial turbulence and internal struggles with unwavering determination.

As business leaders, we must be prepared to make tough decisions, even when they seem daunting. We must stay true to our core values and use them as a guiding light in the darkest of times. And we must have the courage to prioritize long-term cultural integrity over short-term gains.

The road to success in entrepreneurship is rarely smooth, but it’s these moments of adversity that shape us, define our businesses and, ultimately, lead to growth and resilience. So, when you find yourself facing obstacles, remember that it takes more than just capital to succeed—it takes courage, conviction and an unwavering commitment to your vision.

By George Baker Sr. 

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