Quick Tips for Working Smarter, Not Harder
Stop keeping a million tabs open. It slows you and your computer down.
Get up every 45 minutes and move around. When you sit back down you will feel greatly re-energized.
Embrace keyboard shortcuts and macros. Shortcuts allow you to navigate your computer more quickly and macros can save time by performing a series of commands with just one click.
Pretend you are about to go on vacation. When you’re overwhelmed image that you are leaving for vacation in three hours. It will help you focus on the important things that REALLY need to get done.
Pick up the phone! I know, I know. No one likes to use the phone anymore but if it’s going to take 2 or 3 emails to work out the details, it’s more efficient to just make a call. You can memorialize the results in an email when you’re done.
If you can answer an email in two minutes, do it immediately. Letting your email unnecessarily pile up only causes stress.
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