
In Person and Online Meetings
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You’ve Joined a Networking Group….Now What?

You’ve Joined a Networking Group….Now What?

Congratulations, you’ve joined a networking group. You get to come in once a week and the referrals will be dropped in your lap…Wouldn’t that be great?

It takes time and effort to become part of a sales team. When you first join TEAM, we ask that you start with getting to know everyone by having Coaching Sessions. Once you know and trust the people in your chapter, you (and they) will be comfortable knowing that you are a person of integrity, and will feel comfortable in sending you referrals.

It’s important to always expand your circle. There are so many different events that happen around town. Make it a point to go to a chamber mixer, ribbon cutting or any other event that will be an opportunity to meet new people.

FOLLOW UP!!! If you take someone’s card, ALWAYS call or email them, and let them know you enjoyed meeting them. You never know where it may lead.

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