8 Secrets to Mastering Time Management
- De-clutter – De-clutter your desk, your task list, your inbox, your life.
- Plan – Plan out your work day and stick to it (check off accomplished task as you go).
- Prioritize – Rank your tasks in terms of priority and align them with your job demands and your goals.
- Be Effective – It’s not a race. Don’t try to be the most efficient; try to be the most effective.
- Focus – Focus on the “vital few” rather than the “vital many”.
- Finish the Job – Develop your “finishing instinct” – when you get to a task, complete it no matter what.
- Stop Procrastinating – Most people tend to tackle easy tasks first and push out the difficult ones – don’t fall into this trap.
- Stay Organized – Once you get organized, stay organized.
(1) Comment(s)
dinka -
June 26, 2018 at 12:07 pm
nice class so try to add more