Stuff You Already Know but Don’t Do!
- Brighten the lives of at least 3 people every day with a warm sincere compliment or action. Recently at our local cinema, Nan and I were pleasantly surprised to find that the person just in front of us at the purchase window anonymously paid for one of our movie tickets. The “passing it forward” idea triggered in us, not just the gratitude of the magnanimous gesture, but of how many different ways we could do the same thing. Thoughts are things. They become actions. Your actions matter!
- Invest in yourself. Invest in coaching. Perspective shapes your truths, your self-image and your vision of the future. Seeing the world from the inside out is limiting. Seeing things clearly and having a sounding board unattached to anything but the truth is empowering. Coaching is different from mentoring, therapy or sitting into personal development classes. Find a coach, not a cheerleader. Don’t look for a coach with all the answers, but one who will ask the right questions. Have a “test drive” with more than one coach to find your right style and level of confidence. Coaching is not a cost; it’s an investment you’ll get back many times over.
- In business and personal areas, set goals that are big enough to be worthy of your attention. Not overwhelming, but in sight and just out of reach. Force yourself to stretch and grow. Growing is learning and you become a better version of yourself when you’re learning. “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”-Norman Vincent Peale.
- Read voraciously. If you’re not already a reader, start with a dedicated small amount of time. Increase your understanding of how the world works, how people work, how you work. As your vocabulary and ability to speak on broader subjects increase, so will your creative abilities, relationships and charisma. Well-versed successful people automatically attract others with a general profile of being doers, goers and achievers.
- Learn positive sleep patterns. The downside of poor sleep ranges from, faulty memory, short tempers, heart problems, stroke, weight and drug issues, poor decision making, low self esteem, deficient energy, and less of an ability to experience joy. Learn meditation, self- hypnosis or a simple induction to guarantee falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up refreshed.
- Learn something new. What would make life more interesting? What potential hobby or interest pops into your mind every once in a while only to be rationalized away? Learning is growing. Growing is staying young at any age and feeling that way. Good idea, but don’t have anything special in mind? 1) Write down 5-7 things you might like to do. 2) Pick one. 3) Do it for 3 months. Painting, a new approach for your business, learning, coding, a language, writing a blog, etc. At the end of 90 days determine whether you will continue or do something else. Either way you win. Your world expands.
- Write the specific script you want to accomplish, break it down to the nitty gritty of what it takes with target dates, if applicable. Target/due dates create urgency. Energy comes from clear vision, urgency and passion.
- Internalize the target and the action in your head (practice/rehearse). So many sports legend biographies and business best sellers are about practicing in your head. Mental repetition creates neural pathways of “like minded” brain cells. When enough brain cells are in the game, a new habit emerges. Be consistent in visualizing perfection, especially in a relaxed state. Starting this visualizing session with relaxation, turns down the “chatter” in the brain’s mostly left brained/judgmental portion of the neo-cortex. Less resistance means stronger impressions.
- Writing in a Gratitude Journal each night about the 2-5 things for which you’re grateful that day, shifts your perspective. It’s not just about appreciation. It sets into motion the emotional desire to do something the next day worthwhile writing in the Journal. In Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg’s book Option B, Ms. Sandberg shares her story of using a Gratitude Journal to regain sanity and balance after experiencing the grief of losing her husband. While your situation may not be as life challenging, the message is that you go in the direction you are looking. Looking for the good has everything to do with creating the positive Mindset.
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Make it an interesting year!
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