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Tips for Public Speaking

Tips for Public Speaking

  • Know your topic. Research the subject in-depth. This will come in handy if you have to improvise.
  • Practice it out loud. Practice your speech as many times as it might be necessary. Ask your family or friends to listen or simply record yourself to be able to hear your mistakes.
  • Familiarize yourself with the stage. Arrive in advance to see the size of the room and prepare everything.  Walk the stage and try the microphone and everything you are going to use.
  • Prepare a Plan B. You never know if the lights will work or whether you will have a computer to put your presentation on.  Be prepared for any unforeseen event.
  • Watch your body language. Try to smile whenever you can, keep your back straight and use the look of the lighthouse, which consist of moving your head slightly to look at everyone in the audience. Like this, no one will feel left out.
  • …and your appearance. You must be presentable and you must keep in mind who you are going to talk to.  Maybe in front of certain a certain audience, you don’t need to wear a suit, whilst with other, yes.
  • Speak clearly. Do not speak too slowly or too fast.  The latter especially, means your audience won’t understand what you say and therefore won’t catch your meaning.
  • Don’t exceed the time limit. Be punctual.  If you finish after the agreed time, you will not present a good image and people will start to become more aware of the time than what you are saying, especially if they have things to do later.
  • Ready, Set, Go!
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