Episode 6: How to Grow Your Business with LinkedIn Ads
Episode 6: How to Grow Your Business with LinkedIn Ads with Guest Jennifer Tamborski of VirtualMarketingExpert.com
Listen to the podcast here: https://anchor.fm/teamtalkradio/episodes/TEAM-Talk-Radio-with-Guest-Jennifer-Tamborski–How-to-Grow-Your-Business-with-LinkedIn-Ads-e3e2ko
View the interview here: https://youtu.be/jLA3CrwKwEk
Terilee: My guest on TEAM Talk Radio today is Jennifer Tamborski. She’s located in the Saint Louis area. Jennifer is the owner of Virtual Marketing Experts. Her friends and clients call for the ‘queen of technology”. She is in her zone of genius when helping her clients navigate, create and implement sales funnels from start to finish. Her passion is helping coaches and entrepreneurs grow their business. She resides with her husband and her three children. I understand she has a sort of zoo at home. (Maybe she’ll tell us about that!) You can find her online at www.virtualmarketingexpert.com. Welcome to the TEAM Talk Radio, Jennifer. I’m so glad you’re here.
Jennifer: Thanks for having me today.
Terilee: It’s great to have you on the show. Jennifer is a TEAM referral network member. It’s just great to connect with her. Tell us really quick about your “zoo” at home before we get started.
Jennifer: We have two dogs, a turtle, and a bearded dragon. And if my daughter has her way, we will have a snake at some point as well. My son would like to have a cat. Unfortunately, he’s allergic.
Terilee: Please don’t tell your children I asked about the animals instead of them. Perhaps when you’re a guest again we can talk about them!
Terilee: Today we are going to chat about LinkedIn ads, and I know that this is something that’s in your expertise. I think it’s something business owners need more information on. There’s certainly a lot of opportunity on LinkedIn to be able to connect with new prospects. If you think about it, LinkedIn has amassed the largest group of professionals in the world online. And the question is how are you accessing them? So, let’s get started… Jennifer, who should advertise on LinkedIn?
Jennifer: Realistically, people that are advertising on LinkedIn are those who’s target market is B2B – business to business. For instance, for me, I am a digital marketer, and I work with other businesses to grow their business. LinkedIn is a good platform for my type of business. The other aspect would be those who your ideal client is someone in corporate whether that’s a rising corporate star, in middle management, or executives—they all are on LinkedIn.
Terilee: I’m going to throw in something here. Is it important that before you do ads that you make sure that your profile is what it needs to be?
Jennifer: Yes, absolutely. On LinkedIn ads, similar to Facebook ads, you’re going to need to also have a business page to run the LinkedIn ads. You’re going to want to make sure your personal profile, as well as your business page profile are both active and clean and you have the shared all the appropriate information about the company and or yourself.
Terilee: Clearly, some of us may have some homework to do.
Jennifer: That is true. A lot of people forget that LinkedIn has more than just your personal profile. They do have business pages as well. They also may forget that completing your profile on your LinkedIn is as important as having a good “About You” page on your website.
Terilee: Yes! I think it makes all the difference in the world when people find you. Thank you for that reminder. I confessed to Jennifer before we started recording that I’m on LinkedIn more than I used to be, but I don’t really see my ads. She said, “Oh, they’re there.” Jennifer, who is it that would see our ads?
Jennifer: It would really depend, just like on Facebook, on who you’re targeting. That’s who would see your ads, but I understand it in your feed, you have three options for your ads. You have the option to put them in a feed (so much like what you see on Facebook). You have the option to in mail, which means they would get an email from you, and then you have an option for the right-hand side. Again, similar to Facebook where those ads are located. Depending on where your target market would be most interactive is where you would send the ad to.
Terilee: Okay. And that’s something that you help with, right?
Jennifer: I absolutely help. We would determine where you would get the “most bang for your buck”—like what ad set would work best for you.
Terilee: So maybe that’s why I’m not seeing the ads on LinkedIn as they’re a little bit all over the place.
Jennifer: They are a little over the place. On Facebook, when you see ads, they say “sponsored”. On LinkedIn, it says “promoted”. The wording’s a little different. The layout is also a little different. When it’s in your stream, they start with the image and then you click to get the rest of the information.
Terilee: I’m definitely going to check it out more and see what’s happening so I can be better informed. If I was to do LinkedIn ads, who can I target?
Jennifer: You can actually target pretty much anybody on LinkedIn. You develop your audience just like you would on a Facebook ad or Google ad. You develop the audience based on what they like or sometimes on their job title. If you’re looking for a VP of marketing, then you can specifically search by title. You search by age, gender or the size of the company they’re in. If you want to target middle management in a company that has 500-1,000 employees, you can target your audience that way as well. It just really depends on who your target market is and what’s the best way to reach them—the way that they’re set up, the way that they’re structured.
Terilee: Are LinkedIn ads similar to the ads we see everywhere else?
Jennifer: They are very similar to Facebook ads in the way they’re laid out and the way the work in the back end. LinkedIn is still in Beta testing, so they’re still evolving. Facebook is, too, let’s be real… They change every day! But LinkedIn is definitely evolving, and they’re getting better. And how you can target your customer is getting better every day, too. It’s definitely an evolution process, but it’s a good time to get in there. If you think back about 10 years ago when Facebook ads just started, people made millions of dollars off Facebook ads. If you’re getting into the front end of LinkedIn ads, you also have that same opportunity.
Terilee: Excellent. If I wanted to get started with LinkedIn Ads, what would you say would be a good starting budget?
Jennifer: As I generally say, you want to spend at least $300 a month for your ad budget on LinkedIn. The minimum you can spend is $10 a day. The $300 a month ad budget gives you that $10 a day maximum budget. That also allows you to play on LinkedIn and determine where your audience is. If you’re starting from scratch, just like on any application, it’s going to take a little time to drill down into that audience and find what works, what’s getting their attention, and all of those kinds of things. You know, marketing is a science. It’s an industry that you have to drill down. Not everything works for everybody. Taking a generalized template from somebody else who said, “Hey, I made a bazillion dollars on LinkedIn” may not work for you because your target audience may be different.
Terilee: I understand! Here’s a question. If I’m a free participant on LinkedIn, do I have to upgrade to be a premium member to do to ads on LinkedIn?
Jennifer: No, you do not. You do not have to upgrade at all. The sales navigator, which is the upgraded version, is an awesome tool to have. But it’s similar to Facebook in that you just open up your campaign manager to create and manage your ads.
Terilee: I would love one day to do in a detailed discussion on the sales navigator for sure. I think our listeners would love that, too. So… I’m going to be getting these leads off of my ads. How do I capture them?
Jennifer: You have two options. You can either drive them to your website to a landing page where you capture their information or LinkedIn also has a form that you can set up to capture that information, so they don’t have to leave the platform. Those are your main options, and neither one or the other is really better. It’s just what works for you and your company.
Terilee: Is there anything else I’ve left out that you would like to add about LinkedIn ads?
Jennifer: With LinkedIn ads, there’s a way to focus your audience that’s different… On Facebook, you can’t target groups. If somebody joins a group, you can’t target them by what groups they join. On LinkedIn you can, which completely opens the market. If you’re thinking about what your target market really likes doing—where are they playing or where are they hanging out? Are they interactive in these groups? That can help a tremendous amount because you’re not trying to pull a person’s more detailed information. You’re targeting where they already are, and that really does help narrow down the audience in your niche.
Terilee: If our listeners are intrigued and they would like just to chat with a little bit, do you offer up any type of complimentary consultation? How can they reach you?
Jennifer: I absolutely do. I offer a 30-minute free consultation where we can chat about what you’re looking for and how I might be able to help. They can reach me on my website at www.virtualmarketingexpert.com. You can click on the contact button and that will take you to a page where you can choose your time and schedule an appointment. Or if they’d like to, they can directly email me at pm@virtualmarketingexpert.com.
Terilee: Wonderful. Thank you so much for your insight today. Obviously, I am learning and intrigued and I’m willing to bet our listeners are as well, and I would love to have you back as a guest in the future to talk a little bit more about how we can maximize all of our efforts on LinkedIn.
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