How to “Nail” Your One-Minute Business Commercial
One of the benefits of being part of TEAM is the ability to deliver 50+ commercials to your Sales TEAM each year. You can instruct them exactly what type of business you want them to go look for!
Do you have difficulty fitting in everything you wish to say in 60 seconds? Here are some tips for you.
One of the places most entrepreneurs get side tracked on is their description of what they do. Do you have a “set the stage” sentence? This is a “brief overview” of all your business has to offer. The sentence I use for TEAM is:
I bring together entrepreneurs, small business owners, independent contractors of larger companies – those responsible for their own success – and I teach them how to become a “sales team” in their community so they can learn to help grow each others’ business through referrals.
You may wish to write out or sit at your computer and type out all the sound bytes you usually say to describe your business and then weed out from there what is most important. A template you should model is: I help __________________ with ________________________________.
Our goal is to greet your TEAM, give your “set the stage” sentence and tell the address of your office or the area/territory that you cover in about 20-25 seconds so you have the remainder of your 1 minute to share with the TEAM what you need for the week.
We are here to help each other, but we need to know HOW you truly need help this week:
Think BIG.
Be specific.
No anybodys, everybodys or somebodys.
Ask for a Power Partner – someone who shares your rolodex of clients but it’s not competition.
Name a Company you are dying to have an introduction to.
And when you “nail” your “set the stage” sentence, you allow yourself almost 30 seconds to tell us.
By: Terilee Harrison
Originally published 12/2/2014
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