Are You Prepared?
It can and sometimes will happen…your chapter President, at the last minute,
relays to the other chapter leaders that he/she is not able to make it to the
meeting. In these instances, the chapter Vice President is responsible for
conducting the meeting and should be prepared by having all the necessary
supplies, materials, paperwork, etc. But, you will be without the President’s Box,
which contains items that the Vice President may not have readily available to
the run the meeting. So, I recommend to all VPs and Treasurers to construct a
Vice President’s Kit” or “Meeting Kit”.
The VP should attend every meeting with their manual, that was given to you
at TEAM Leaders training, and the TEAM Weekly email that is sent from the
Founder, Kelli Holmes. Included in the TEAM Leader’s manual are most of the
worksheets needed for a meeting, e.g., the Meeting Format, Members Creed,
and the Featured Speaker’s package. You may want to have in a “Kit” those
forms and the following items; 1) Applications, 2) Referral Cards, 3) Copy of the
Speaker Line-Up, and, 4) New Member Introduction forms. Keep in mind that
every member should come to each meeting prepared with their Networking
Kits with plenty of Referral Cards inside, as well as plenty of their personal
business cards since you may be without the Business Card/Referral Card
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