Be Courageous…Be a TEAM Leader
5 Key Traits of a Courageous Leader
Be a Visionary – What do you envision for your TEAM chapter?
Be Passionate – Be the fire in your chapter!
Be a TEAM Builder – To be a great leader, you need a great team!
Have Integrity – Lead with the right example!
Take Action – Just Do It!
So, are you a courageous leader? Or do you have the desire to become one? A courageous leader is one with a clear vision and can show others what they want to achieve. It is something they want to passionately pursue and do so by building a great team to help them. Being a courageous leader takes integrity and a willingness to lead with integrity. And finally, being a courageous leader takes a person of action!
Take that first step of action….Become a TEAM Leader!!!!!
Did you know it’s time to start the process of changing leadership in your chapter? Do you know what the process is? What would you do if you were asked to step up to be President of your chapter? How about Vice President? How about Treasurer?
Sometimes these roles in TEAM are a mystery to our members. Allow me to de-mystify them for you.
So what do the TEAM Leaders do exactly?
President – Their primary job…run a GREAT TEAM meeting! Presidents also send regular emails to all chapter members with news and information about TEAM; they communicate on a regular basis with their TEAM Director; and they oversee the other team leaders to ensure their productivity.
Vice President – They are the statistician of the chapter. They track attendance, referrals and visitors. They oversee the Membership Council including approving new members, renewing current members and assist in handling any issues that may arise within the chapter.
Treasurer – The money person! They collect new and renewing membership fees. Send regular reports to the TEAM office updating the status of all chapter members. They manage the chapter checking account; meal fees; 50/50 funds and they are usually the contact person for the restaurant/facility where the chapter meets.
It may surprise you to find out that TEAM leaders are not “elected”. There is no formal nomination process or vote. A more correct term for the process we use in TEAM would be “selected” rather than “elected”. We “select” leaders through a transition process that works this way:
- Transition of leadership is announced to the chapter (usually during the meeting and in the chapter emails).
- If a member is interested in being a leader it is requested they express that interest to the current leaders and/or your TEAM Director.
- Then… the current leaders and your TEAM Director will get together to discuss who would make the best leaders for the next term (who knows better about what it takes to do a good job than those who already have served and the trainer?). Once a consensus is reached with your current leaders and your Director, the selected members will be approached.
You will then be asked…
- Do you want to be a leader?
- Are you able to attend one of the scheduled trainings (for the entire time)?
TEAM leadership can offer you an opportunity to…..
- Realize your own vision of what your chapter could be.
- Experience the challenge yet rewarding part of leadership.
- Make a difference in to your chapter!
- Add to your credentials.
- Increase your confidence.
- Fine tune your presentation skills.
- Help others increase their skills.
- Set an example for others.
- Did we mention the free TEAM dues?!!!!
Your TEAM wants you, your TEAM needs you! Step up! Be courageous!!!
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