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Why was Cheers so successful since it was only a place to go “where everybody knows your name?”

Why was Cheers so successful since it was only a place to go “where everybody knows your name?”


We can all identify with at least one of the characters of Cheers and how they embraced their differences yet had a sense of family. What does this have to do with relationship marketing? Let’s start with the formal description of relationship marketing. Then let’s take a look at how small business owners can have their own Cheers-like environment.

Relationship marketing is formally defined as marketing campaigns that focus on customer service and retention instead of sales. Quite often this is done by using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software such as Salesforce, Sugar or many others that can help identify customers’ interactions and their buying cycles. While this is an optimal solution for medium to large businesses, the cost can be prohibitive to solopreneurs and small businesses.

So let’s take the term relationship marketing to a different level for the small business owner. How can the small business owner accomplish the same results? Focus on the relationship and the marketing will take care of itself. It’s been proven that it’s easier and more cost effective to keep a customer rather than obtain a new one; so let’s concentrate on the relationships instead of the sales process. With so many platforms to show customer appreciation, like social media and loyalty programs, it should be easy to create a loyal following.

Here are 5 things to consider:

  1. Know your customers on a first name basis and learn something personal about them. It could be as simple as their favorite hobby. This gives you a topic to talk about when they frequent your business.

  2. Track your customers and their buying habits through an email marketing service if a CRM is not in your budget.

  3. Use Facebook, Twitter and blogs to communicate with your customer base. Answer their questions and interact with them. Think of social media as a customer service tool.

  4. Have a monthly, quarterly or yearly customer appreciation mixer or happy hour. This will allow your customers to get to know each other and you become the “one” they remember for bringing them together.

  5. Send a birthday/anniversary card to acknowledge them. Tap into your customer’s heart because it makes people feel special.

It’s human nature to feel special when someone recognizes and acknowledges us. A relationship marketing focus would be on building relationships that are also business funnels. Business happens where the best relationships are formed. People like to go to the chiropractor, cleaners, restaurant or use the plumber with whom they have built a trusting relationship. When relationships are built, levels of trust increase over time. We all want to do business with people and businesses we know, like and trust. It also creates a stronger community.

If you’re looking for more specific ideas about your own business, you can contact me Kay@TEAMReferralDFW.com

Here’s to creating your own CHEERS!

About the Author | Kay Wallace, TEAM Referral DFW

Kay Wallace - TEAM Referral DFW - Relationship Marketing - Grapevine TexasKay Wallace is a speaker, trainer, social media strategist and has a referral networking organization, TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) Referral DFW. TEAM combines the best of face to face and online networking through exclusive category relationship marketing to help your business grow. We offer virtual, business & executive chapters, online memberships, community outreach and much more. Referrals are the best way to market your business so “Don’t Hire a Sales Team, Join One.”

Visit TEAM Referral DFW online at www.TEAMReferralDFW.com

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