How to Turn Inquiries into New Clients
As a service based creative-preneur, our days can often be filled with responding back to potential client inquiries. I mean this is awesome because it shows that people are actually trusting your expertise and believe you are worth investing in. The downfall to new inquiries though is just that, they are JUST inquires. You have not officially made the sell & playing the waiting game for them to decide if they want to work with you can be torture.
So how do you turn these inquiries into new clients? It’s all about showing value in what you are offering, how you can specifically help them & going the extra mile. The biggest things that stop people from making a new purchase is their time & money. It’s your job to show them why what you have to offer is well worth both!
When responding to an inquiry, your main goal is to show your prospect exactly what you can do for them and what they will get out of working with you. Remember, most people are hesitant with giving up their time, so let them know exactly what you will accomplish during your sessions and what they can expect to get out of it. If it is money holding them back, make sure they know what all they will get out of the session and how it can be of value to them. Is it an hour session with three helpful follow up calls? Is it a printed workbook that they can refer back to and work through after your session is over? People want the most bang for their buck so make sure it is PACKED with value!
If you are struggling with what all to include in your packages or want inspiration on what else you can offer, refer back to your sister brands and see what they are doing. Showing value should also go above and beyond just potential client follow ups, it should be all over your sales page, newsletters & blog posts.
Many people may be hesitant to invest in your offering because they are not sure if It will be a good fit for where they are in their personal journey. To overcome this, ask specific questions about what they are struggling with the most in their business and what may be holding them back from accomplishing their ultimate goal. For example, if someone tells me they are hesitant about purchasing one of my coaching sessions because they have no idea which business idea they want to pursue, I will ensure them that I will strategically help them figure out what ideas are best, help them discover what they are truly passionate about and narrow down exactly what type of business they should start. And to go a little further, I’ll let her know that once we decide on what type of business to start I would then work with her through starting, branding & marketing her new business. BOOM!
Ok so you’ve shown value, shown them exactly how you can solve their specific problems but they are still not budging? Then this is where you should go the extra mile. Sometimes people just want a little hint of what you have to offer so reach out and see if they are willing to hop on a free 30 minute call. In this call, this where you can reiterate how you can help them and maybe give small suggestions of what they can do to get started in their business NOW (of course save the in depth answers for when they actually book a session with you). I’m against offering these free sessions for everyone but if you feel that someone just needs a little extra lovin’ then go for it in order to make that new sale!
The key to these steps is to always show value rather than being salesy! No one likes to feel like they are being sold to and it can often turn them off from you completely! Also remember that you wont win them all. You wont always appeal to everyone and honestly not everyone who contacts you may be your ideal client. And that’s ok! Continue showing value and your ideal client will flock to you!
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