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Effective Networkers Continually Seek Learning Opportunities

Effective Networkers Continually Seek Learning Opportunities

Learn everything you can. Anytime you can. From anyone you can. There will always come a time when you will be grateful you did. – Sarah Caldwell

As a business owner and networker, it is vital that you are always growing. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to read or study 15 minutes a day. The key can be to have access to your study materials at all times. You never know when an appointment will be delayed and when you will have the opportunity to get your reading done.

What are some ways you can acquire more knowledge?

“Read” more books. Technology has changed how we can learn. You can read an actual paperback book, listen to an audio book (in the car or on the go), or read on any electronic device.

Listen to podcasts. Find a favorite podcast you can listen to regularly that will feed your mind with business knowledge and keep you moving toward positive growth.

Ask more questions. Be curious. Don’t be afraid of asking questions. Ask what you want to know from friends, colleagues, clients, experts–anyone who has value to offer.

Build your network. The more professionals I meet, the more I learn. I am a lot smarter now just from learning from my network. I live out the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Who do you know that you can ask for help or for them to share their experience and knowledge with you?

Collaborate with others. Face it, you cannot be good at everything. When you collaborate with others, you can glean from their expertise. Collaborating can be one of the most productive and rewarding things you can do.

Join a mastermind group. A mastermind group is a group of like-minded individuals who meets periodically to brainstorm, hold each other accountable, and to grow together. You can glean a lot of knowledge when you participate in a high level Mastermind group.

Listen more closely. We all tend to talk to much. When I began learning how to be a coach, I discovered my listening skills needed some (okay, a lot of) improvement. Too often, do you find yourself listening to figure out how you are going to reply? When you listen more closely to people, you will learn more from them.

Danger. Danger…

It can be easy to get caught up in the “I don’t know enough’s” and become paralyzed in taking action. You think you need to take one more course. Hire one more coach. Attend one more conference. There comes a time when you need to trust yourself and step out: You know enough. Right now. The only way to prove it to yourself is to take action!

Ask yourself: What can you read or study to gain more knowledge in your field? What action can you take today because you already know enough?

Terilee Harrison helps entrepreneurs get referrals, clients, and leads using proven offline and online marketing strategies. Book your referral strategy session here.

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